Tim and Linda BunyanPontchartrain Landing RV Resort
New Orleans, Louisiana
Jewelry by Oscar..there he is!
We met friends of singer Sharon Martin. They told us it was Sharon’s birthday today and her mother was in the audience. They also told us their personal story of the loss from the 2005 Katrina Hurricane. Much of the businesses in New Orleans are ‘mom and pop’ owned so there was no corporate cushion nor seed money to re-start their businesses. Professionals were out of
work. Doctors could not open their offices and there were no patients and out of work with attempts toward survival and forming a forward plan.
The show at the EMERSON at Pontchartrain Landing RV Resort was a script, along with the songs, telling of the life of jazz musician and singer and songwriter: Billie Holiday.
The flood control pumps are enormous and run along the freeway to ensure safety.
Café Du Monde, known for au laits, chicory coffee (Tim has this coffee shipped to us now!) and beignets since 1862.
The Coffee Experience was delightful as nearly 100 people are served and the line to the restroom is entertaining as it forms on the other side of the glass wall to the kitchen.
Beignets (famous as the coffee)
with powdered sugar piled on top!