Sunday, September 12, 2021

New York Family Farm, Auburn, Ma to NormanRockwell Stockbridge, MA 9/07 - 9/12/2021 Travel Tour

                                                        Tim and Linda Bunyan

We depart the Family Farm in Galway, New York on our course VIA  an overnight at the Elks Lodge in Auburn/Webster, Maine.  We stay in Waterville, Maine to Acadia National Park at Seawall CG which is 400 miles from the farm.  
The rest stops/fueling stations along the freeway are called: Service Area.  Attractive with parking in the nature area or at the restaurant and also fueling.

The FAMILY FARM  Galway, New York  Hume, Christine, and Kyle live here.
We are here at Hume and Christine's for a few days.  Hume has us park right in the front yard.  Makes for convenient visits and electrical cord hookups.
Kyle let me ride in the tractor !!

Hume and Tim are at the roadside flower mart to get flowers for Christine.
The Old Scotts Church. circa 1880 (West Charlton United Presbyterian Church)  founded by Scottish immigrants on the National Register of Historic Places. Tim's grandpa Bunyan helped erect the steeple.
Kyle mowing the hay.  He has many acres throughout the county 
Dining with Hume, Christine, and Tim.
Mike sent me a photo when I was a flower girl at Karen Klaus's wedding.  Mom sewed the dress.
I was about 5 or 6. (I will need to ask Mike the year Karen and Chet were married..then they moved to Alaska.

Sweet Rose Elizabeth at about 2 months old.
Christine, Hume, and Tim out front of their house with Kyle's dog.
Goodbye to the Family Farm for this year.  We will stop at Norman Rockwell's museum where he also lived in Stockbridge, MA. on our way to ME.

NORMAN ROCKWELL, American painter and illustrator. 
Collection of the artist's original and largest collection of his work on display in his hometown.
He lived here for the last 25 years of his life.  The current museum building was designed by 2011 Driheaus Prize winner and New Classical architect Robert A. M. Stern.

Marriage License, 1955 oil painting created for the June 1955 cover of The Saturday Evening Post.  Praised and considered one of Rockwell's best works. due to the use of light and dark. gifted to the Museum (we purchased a print for Keith and Sara as they have announced their engagement and wedding plans this year.)
Norman Rockwell's studio.

Self Portrait

The Post has published his covers for over 40 years. 

Rockwell's paintings tell stories of ordinary people.
Rockwell quote: "Because you can't explain a Post cover, there has to be total communication.  If it doesn't tell a complete story; if words are required to fill up holes in the story, it won't do a Post cover."